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"History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind."
- Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) // From: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire |
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It was a real "Deep Fake" clown show --- a "virtual" US-Russia "summit" with a "virtual" presidential imposter -- with advisors all dutifully masked-up and "socially distanced" for the photo-op -- based in a "virtual" White House studio controlled by military intelligence -- "sternly" telling Vladimir Putin that he had better not invade Ukraine. This goofy charade does offer us a good "teachable moment" ™ for an important crash course review of the sad story of how Ukraine -- a "sister nation" of Russia -- was corrupted, subverted, overthrown, and then looted by shady charlatans in service to Soros and Rothschild. Here it is -- clear and concise and easy-to-digest -- in just 12 simple steps.
Big-Mouth Biden -- speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in January of 2018 -- openly boasted about how -- when he was vice-president and with Obongo's blessing -- bribed (through threat of withdrawing loans) the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor (who had been looking into his son's crooked dealings.) (here)
1. 1600's - 1900's: Dating back to the earliest days of the Russian Empire, through the seven decades of the Soviet Union, the region known as Ukraine, along with Belarus, has always been a brotherly part of the Russian-Soviet state. Ethnic /tribal ties among the three go back as many as 1,000 years.
2. 1954: As part of a symbolic gesture marking the 300th anniversary of Ukraine becoming a part of the Tsardom of Russia, an administrative action transferred the government of the Crimean Peninsula from the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
3. 1991: Under Globalist pressure from without and the treason of Mikhail Gorbachev from within, the Soviet Union dissolved into 15 republics. Suddenly, the Russian-speaking people on the Crimean Peninsula were no longer affiliated with Russia. Crimea, given no say in the matter, thus became an unwilling region of the new nation of Ukraine. The Russians did however maintain a vital naval base on the peninsula -- one which NATO was already coveting.
1. 1600's - 1900's: Dating back to the earliest days of the Russian Empire, through the seven decades of the Soviet Union, the region known as Ukraine, along with Belarus, has always been a brotherly part of the Russian-Soviet state. Ethnic /tribal ties among the three go back as many as 1,000 years.
2. 1954: As part of a symbolic gesture marking the 300th anniversary of Ukraine becoming a part of the Tsardom of Russia, an administrative action transferred the government of the Crimean Peninsula from the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
3. 1991: Under Globalist pressure from without and the treason of Mikhail Gorbachev from within, the Soviet Union dissolved into 15 republics. Suddenly, the Russian-speaking people on the Crimean Peninsula were no longer affiliated with Russia. Crimea, given no say in the matter, thus became an unwilling region of the new nation of Ukraine. The Russians did however maintain a vital naval base on the peninsula -- one which NATO was already coveting.
4. 1991-2009: The post-Soviet period was marked by constant back-and-forth power struggles within Ukraine between its CIA-Globalist "color revolution" puppet faction and its Russia-friendly faction. On election days, the Russian-speaking Crimean people always voted against the Globalist puppets in overwhelming numbers.
5. 2010: Viktor Yanukovich is elected the 4th President of Ukraine. He tries to establish good ties with both Russia and the West. The Globalists believe that they can court Yanukovich and eventually lure him into the European Union / NATO web.
6. 2013: The Yanukovich government stuns the Globalists by ending the process of integration into the European Union and embracing Putin's multilateral worldview instead.
1. The 2004 "Orange Revolution" was made in the USA, by the CIA. // 2. After power changed hands again in 2010, Obongo and his handlers thought they could control the new president, Victor Yanukovich (above, with Mr. and Mr. (not a typo) Obongo) // 3. Yanukovich tries to escape the NWO plantation and buddy-up with Putin.
7. Late 2013: The Soros-Rothschild-CIA crime syndicate flips a switch and BOOM -- HUGE "spontaneous" pro-EU, anti- "corruption" protests erupt in the Ukrainian capital city of Kiev.
8. December, 2013: Soros agent Senator John McStain (with the full blessing of Obongo) arrives in Ukraine to fire up the ugly rent-a-mob. He pledges American support for their cause.
9. February, 2014: The mob turns violent. Yanukovich -- the duly-elected president -- is forced to flee for his life to Russia.
1. The "spontaneous" anti-Yanukovich protests in Kiev's "Maidan Square" -- filled with EU flags and many English-language signs -- was a Western "Deep State" production all the way. // 2. Evil rat bastard John McStain (RIH) lit the fuse! // 3. Death and destruction overthrew the legitimate anti-EU government of Ukraine -- and the Fake News cheered it as an "anti-corruption" movement!
10. February, 2014: The hand-picked stooges of U.S. Under-Secretary of State Vicky Nuland (Nudelman) -Kagan (cough cough) are installed. The western looters (including Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Mitt Romney and Joe Biden (mostly via family members)) now have an opening to rob U.S. "foreign aid" to Ukraine, as well as the people of Ukraine directly.
11. February, 2014: Spooked by the criminal events and bloodshed in Kiev, the predominantly Russian people of Crimea take to the streets to protest for a clean break from Ukraine and a return to Russian sovereignty. When Crimean self-defense forces deploy in support of the people against Soros-CIA agitators based in Ukraine, the Fake News shrieks about a "Russian invasion" of "little green men."
12. March, 2014: Crimea holds a referendum with international observers present. By a vote of 97% to 3%, they choose to separate from the gangster government of Kiev and return to Russian sovereignty. Russia accepts their Crimean brothers and vows to protect them. And the Fake News and all the political whores of the New World Order haven't stopped bitching and whining and sanctioning and threatening Russia over Putin's "annexation" of Crimea ever since.
There --- see how simple it can be to understand the truth about the world when the main data points are presented in basic sequential format? Lies complicate. Truth simplifies.
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