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As regular readers of the Real History Channel all know, our support for The Donald and our confidence in Q have never wavered. Equally unwavering is the opinion -- still held by a diminishing number of "youse guys" -- that he failed us or, worse yet, sold us out and was a "psyop" all along (rolling eyes, palm to face sighing). And of course, there are many other folks taking the very sensible position of simply waiting to see how the game (or movie) ends before investing too much emotion in believing in the promised crushing and final defeat of the Global-Marxist New World Order.
There's really no point to contentiously debating the issue at this time because we shall all know soon enough -- after the November "Red Wave" and January swearing-in of a radical America First Congress -- if the long awaited goods (heads on pikes) will actually be delivered throughout 2023. As for "The Editorial Board" of RHC / ANYT, a 1/2 or even a 3/4 disclosure of the Deep State's dirty deeds will not satisfy our blood lust. You naysayers will then have a very upset ally among your ranks if, at the movie's conclusion, all, and I mean ALL, of Normiedom is not shocked to its core by the full disclosure of 9/11 Truth. That is the ultimate "test." Agreed?
There's really no point to contentiously debating the issue at this time because we shall all know soon enough -- after the November "Red Wave" and January swearing-in of a radical America First Congress -- if the long awaited goods (heads on pikes) will actually be delivered throughout 2023. As for "The Editorial Board" of RHC / ANYT, a 1/2 or even a 3/4 disclosure of the Deep State's dirty deeds will not satisfy our blood lust. You naysayers will then have a very upset ally among your ranks if, at the movie's conclusion, all, and I mean ALL, of Normiedom is not shocked to its core by the full disclosure of 9/11 Truth. That is the ultimate "test." Agreed?
This all makes for interesting fun & games to look for clues indicating what "Trump & the White Hats" will ultimately do regarding 9/11 Truth. Much like the prognosticating analysis that takes place before the big football match and again at halftime, we'll never actually know the final outcome until the game is over. But for whatever the roundtable analysis is worth (nothing, actually) let there be no doubt that Trump is signalling to us that 9/11 Truth is part of his end game -- which entails that he is either pulling our chains, or he is plotting to drop the 9/11 bomb, when the timing is right. Without predicting what will happen, let us review the clues which, when taken cumulatively, constitute what is essentially a veiled promise to disclose 9/11 Truth.
Without getting too excited, let's have a little half-time fun with the following 7 chronological data points -- as we await the dramatic ending of the game.
* 1: September 12, 2001 // Trump Speaks of Bombs to NY News Station
"This was an unbelievably powerful building(s). When I first looked at it, I couldn't believe it because there was a hole in the steel!. ... How could a plane, even a 767, possibly go through the steel? .... I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously.... I just can't imagine anything going through that wall."
* 2: 2010 // Serta Trump Home Collection Mattress TV Commercial
Trump starred in a TV ad for his luxury mattresses, featuring a sheep numbered "9" next to another numbered "11." Both sheep are standing atop pedestals -- seemingly symbolizing the Twin Towers.
* 3: November, 2015 // Trump "Code" Calls Attention to 9/11 Celebrants
Trump kicked off a media firestorm when he falsely stated:
“There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as those buildings came down. "
Trump, by calling attention to the cheering "Arabs" in Jersey City, was not deflecting from the story of the "Dancing Israelis." He was, in our view, actually signalling that he knows all about them.
1. 9/12/2001: Trump sensed right away that we were being lied to. The entire hollow aluminum plane, including the flimsy thin wings, penetrated the steel outside walls as if flying through paper. // 2. The sheep "9" and "11" replicate the Twin Towers.
It was celebrating Israelis seen (and later arrested) on 9/11. Trump was not in position to reveal this, so he spoke in "code" about "cheering Muslims."
* 4: February, 2016 // Trump on FOX: "Who BLEW UP the World Trade Center?"
“Who blew up the World Trade Center?” It wasn’t the Iraqis, -- take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.”
At a campaign event in South Carolina later that day:
“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center … because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, OK?”
Of course, then-candidate Trump knew it wasn't the Saudis that did 9/11. That was just part of the code game. The "secret papers" revealing the true conspiracy is what he was after.
* 5: March & April, 2018 // Q posts Truth Bombs About a Dead 9/11 Activist
Q -- proven to be connected to and endorsed by Trump -- not only makes obvious reference to 9/11 truth, but insinuates that Secretary of State Killary Clinton had Beverly Eckert -- a very outspoken 9/11 widow who refused to accept "hush money" -- killed by bringing down the commercial plane which she and 49 other lost souls were passengers on (02-12-09). Q had previously made other references to 9/11 Truth, but this one was by far the most explosive. If Q is a 911 Truther, then so is Trump.
* 6: June, 2019 // Trump ABC Interview with Globalist George Stephanopolus:
“Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center. It was not Iraq. It was other people. And I think I know who the other people were. And you might also." (here)
Though the full multi-hour interview was posted online, that particular comment was never aired on TV.
* 7: August, 2022 // Trump Interview with ESPN:
"Nobody has ever gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately."
If and when the normies of the world ever learn 9/11 Truth -- and realize what was parlayed out of this staged attack (wars, foreign genocide, airport abuse, Patriot Act, trillions of dollars wasted, liberties curtailed etc) -- the anger at the doomed Deep State will be overwhelming and revolutionary.
This issue of 9/11 Truth represents the ultimate testing -- the true historical measure -- of Trump. It will determine if his name will go down in history as just Donald the "OK," or Donald the Great. So far, the signs and clues are as encouraging as they are unmistakable. But talk (especially coded talk) is cheap. Let's see what happens.
“A vile group of corrupt, power-hungry globalists, socialists and liberal extremists in Washington has been waging war on the hardworking people of Ohio. Our biggest threat remains the sick, sinister and evil people from within our country.”
-- Donald Trump, Ohio Speech, September 17, 2022
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