The ink has yet to dry on the illegal Electoral College votes for President Non-Elect Biden and already the "paper of record" has resumed, albeit gently for now, tapping on the anti-Russia war drums which Trump had silenced during his first few weeks in office. A few rebutted lines from the opening of the atrocious article:
Slimes: The extensive hack of American government computer systems ....
Rebuttal: What "extensive hack?" The often-repeated charge, just like the bogus charge of Trump-Russia election "collusion" in 2016, has never been established. One could say that it is "baseless ™."
Slimes: ... almost certainly orchestrated by the Kremlin ...
Rebuttal: "Almost certainly?" That's like being "almost" pregnant. If you're not certain, then why even print the allegation .... over and over and over again.
Slimes: ... underscores the daunting foreign policy challenge that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia poses to the incoming Biden administration.
Translation: Should the Globalists succeed in getting rid of Trump (and they likely won't), Vlad the Bad will be restored to the role of Global villain #1.
The rest of this vile propaganda piece offers up the same old adversarial "expert opinions" of Deep State scum such as Fiona Hill, Michael McFaul, Dimitri Simes and Jack Reed. -- Putin did this and Putin did that --- blah blah blah. We need to stand up to Putin --- blah blah blah.
It's the Cold War (probably followed by a Hot War) all over again if these Council on Foreign Relations lunatics ever gain power again. Sickening.
Slimes: The extensive hack of American government computer systems ....
Rebuttal: What "extensive hack?" The often-repeated charge, just like the bogus charge of Trump-Russia election "collusion" in 2016, has never been established. One could say that it is "baseless ™."
Slimes: ... almost certainly orchestrated by the Kremlin ...
Rebuttal: "Almost certainly?" That's like being "almost" pregnant. If you're not certain, then why even print the allegation .... over and over and over again.
Slimes: ... underscores the daunting foreign policy challenge that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia poses to the incoming Biden administration.
Translation: Should the Globalists succeed in getting rid of Trump (and they likely won't), Vlad the Bad will be restored to the role of Global villain #1.
The rest of this vile propaganda piece offers up the same old adversarial "expert opinions" of Deep State scum such as Fiona Hill, Michael McFaul, Dimitri Simes and Jack Reed. -- Putin did this and Putin did that --- blah blah blah. We need to stand up to Putin --- blah blah blah.
It's the Cold War (probably followed by a Hot War) all over again if these Council on Foreign Relations lunatics ever gain power again. Sickening.
1. Behind the scenes, Trump and Putin worked very closely to end the dangerous CIA/Mossad proxy wars against Syria and Eastern Ukraine. A Biden regime would work to restore the bad situation that Obongo left behind. // 2. Iron-jawed Tranny Satanist (note the "spirit cooking" band-aid on index finger) Fiona Hill is an academic anti-Russian hardliner who was quoted for this hit piece. // 3. Unable to control Trump, the Council on Foreign Relations Mafia is chomping at the bit to confront Russia if Trump were to leave.
As confirmed by the Satanic Slimes hatred of him, Putin is a "White Hat." Some interesting quotes that give us more insight into the man.
* Putin, on the dangers of government centralization:
“In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state's role absolute. In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally non-competitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated."
* On budget deficits:
“The unjustified swelling of the budgetary deficit and the accumulation of public debts are just as destructive as adventurous stock-jobbing."
* On the criminal folly of America’s (Fed’s) ceaseless money printing:
“Look at their trade balance, their debt, and budget. They turn on the printing press and flood the whole world with government bonds. There is no way we will act this way.... We don’t have the luxury of such hooliganism.”
* On the New World Order:
"The UniPolar world refers to a world in which there is one master, one sovereign, one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decision-making.This is pernicious -At its basis there can be no moral foundations for modern civilization.”
* On Soros / NGO activity & puppet politicians:
“Direct or indirect external interference in our internal political processes is unacceptable. Any person who receives money from abroad for his or her political activity and by doing so serves alien national interests, cannot be a politician in Russia.”
* On U.S. - Russia relations
"There are forces in the United States that are prepared to casually sacrifice Russian-U.S. relations. Those forces are powerful."
It is no wonder that the leftover Trotskyites of Russia, along with the Western “wannabee” Atlanticists, are opposed to Putin. With quotes like those listed above, along with actions and results to back them up, one would think that the “free market” Republican Party would love Vladimir Putin. Instead, they (as well as the Democrats) deride him as “ex KGB,” or “a commie,” or a “thug.” As much as the Demonrats and the Fake News, it was GOP leadership (same back-stabbing scum now abandoning Trump) that has blocked Trump from visiting Moscow or having Putin to the White House.
When Trump became president, the Globalists focused their obsession and all of their assets toward the removal of Trump. The War Against Putin was thus paused, relatively speaking. But if Trump were to be forced out (which we doubt will happen) -- it would only be a matter of months before four years of pent-up Satanic hatred would be diaretically unloaded upon Putin's Russia -- with all of the NATO puppets also falling into the anti-Putin World War III line once again. This cannot be allowed to happen!
Trump's war on the Deep State is the same war which Putin has been waging -- with a fair degree of success -- against Russia's own entrenched, pro-western Deep State (aka "Atlanticists") since 2000. Actually, the Rothschild Mafia's war to subdue both the U.S and Russia mega-nations dates back to the U.S. Civil War of 1861-1865 -- when Czar Alexander II's powerful show of support (docked warships in New York & San Francisco) for Abraham Lincoln and the "Greenback" interest-free currency Union discouraged the Rothschild British & French from intervening on behalf of Judah Benjamin's (cough cough) confederacy. In April of 1865, Lincoln was assassinated. In April of 1866, Alexander survived a close-range gunshot assassination attempt. After three other failed attempts, (((they))) finally killed Alexander with a bomb, in 1880.
Were either Trump or Putin to fall, the world will quickly become a much darker place than it already is. Let us hope and pray that this time around, history does not repeat.
1. The War Against Putin, by Mike King -- banned by Amazon, available here) // 2 & 3. Fake News then --- and Fake News now. British cartoon mocked the relationship between Lincoln and Alexander --- and now, Trump & Putin. Amazing, isn't it?
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Biden is going to face challenges from Putin.
Boobus Americanus 2: Putin ... baaaad.
St. Sugar: What did Putin ever do to you, Boobuss?
Editor: Normies are trained to bark on command as whoever gets dubbed "the new Hitler."
Boobus Americanus 2: Putin ... baaaad.
St. Sugar: What did Putin ever do to you, Boobuss?
Editor: Normies are trained to bark on command as whoever gets dubbed "the new Hitler."
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
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