After his sudden and stunning post-11.3 decapitation of the Deep State civilian leadership at the Department of Offense (here), Trump is boldly moving to end the perma-occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. The spin of this article is that the troops were in Somalia to keep the "Muslim militants" in check. What the Slimes will never tell its cult followers is that those big bad "Muslim militants" are CIA-Mossad mercenaries -- now rendered harmless by Trump's assault on their funding sources. From the article:
"But Mr. Trump’s push to leave Somalia before he leaves office comes at a delicate time for the East African nation: It is preparing for parliamentary elections next month and a presidential election scheduled for early February. The removal of American troops could complicate any ability to keep election rallies and voting safe from Shabab bombers." (emphasis added)
Ever notice how it is always a "delicate time" to bring troops home, from anywhere. If indeed some terrorist event were to conveniently happen and complicate next month's election, watch how fast the Judenpresse Armada will blame the incident on Trump's "isolationism" ™.
"But Mr. Trump’s push to leave Somalia before he leaves office comes at a delicate time for the East African nation: It is preparing for parliamentary elections next month and a presidential election scheduled for early February. The removal of American troops could complicate any ability to keep election rallies and voting safe from Shabab bombers." (emphasis added)
Ever notice how it is always a "delicate time" to bring troops home, from anywhere. If indeed some terrorist event were to conveniently happen and complicate next month's election, watch how fast the Judenpresse Armada will blame the incident on Trump's "isolationism" ™.
1. 2008: John McStain responding to a question about the possible length of the Iraqi occupation: "It's going to be long and hard and tough ... Maybe 100 years. We've been in Japan for 60 years. We've been in South Korea for 50 years or so. It's fine with me." (video here) // 2. Grief-stricken wife of fallen soldier from the never-ending "War on Terror" ™ in Iraq & Afghanistan. // 3. Strategically located Somalia -- a longtime CIA project.
Say, whatever happened to the anti-war "give-peace-a-chance" // "make love not war" crowd of the American Left? Where are all those Woodstock silver ponytails who once burned their draft cards and protested the Vietnam War? Why isn't the hippie generation out there praising Trump's accomplishments toward promoting peace. Consider the record:
1. Has not started any new wars or proxy wars
2. Helped to end the Syrian "civil war," by defunding the CIA-Mossad "moderate rebels." (ISIS)
3. Ended the Korean Cold War
4. Ended the Ukraine-East Ukraine War by bringing the criminal regime in Kiev under control
5. Has kept the Israeli Mad Dog under containment
6. In the face of strong opposition, is pulling out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia
Fake News has so poisoned the malleable minds of the well-meaning libtards (libtards are not to be confused with deliberately treasonous Marxists) -- who so justifiably hated George Bush, Dickhead Cheney & John McStain for their warmongering ways -- with such irrational hatred for Trump that they cannot realize how much bloodshed Trump has saved the world from.
Millions of 1960s anti-war, pro-peace, hippy libtards (who were tricked into foolishly believing that "The Establishment" was "right wing") are in their 60s & 70s now. These silver ponytails ought to represent a strong base of electoral and financial support for the Trump phenomenon now. But they generally hate the most pro-peace president since JFK. Why is that?
* Point of clarification: By silver ponytails, we don't mean the whole 1960s generation --- but rather, the unreformed libtard hippies of that era who hate Trump today -- the type of sanctimonious ass-clowns who infest places like urban / suburban Seattle, Portland, Boston, as well as quaint college towns like Ann Arbor, Berkeley, or Princeton. You know the type.
* Point of clarification: By silver ponytails, we don't mean the whole 1960s generation --- but rather, the unreformed libtard hippies of that era who hate Trump today -- the type of sanctimonious ass-clowns who infest places like urban / suburban Seattle, Portland, Boston, as well as quaint college towns like Ann Arbor, Berkeley, or Princeton. You know the type.
The logical inconsistency of pacifist hatred for a pro-peace president stems from the fact that libtards -- especially "college educated" ™ ones -- lack not only the capacity for independent critical thought, but also the humility to even realize their mental limitations. Unless and until PBS TV and NPR Radio instruct them to credit Trump for ending wars and occupations, the silver ponytails won't be able to figure it on their own -- no matter how obvious it may be to the rest of us.
Nor can they discern the fact that the very same "Establishment" aka "the Powers That Be" which they railed against for sending 60,000 of their generation to die in Vietnam, is the same self-perpetuating Council on Foreign Relations Mafia trying to bring down Trump today. Yes, that's right "Meathead" -- the same CFR that turned you so "anti-Establishment" during the 1960s is run by the same Establishmentarian "philanthropists" and tax-exempt foundations which fund your "high brow" PBS and NPR, as well as so many organizations with high-sounding names and do-gooder mission statements. Ya big dope!
Indeed, it was the Left's monied hero, the poor persecuted Jewish financier, George Soros, who -- back when Obongo was still president and Killary was assumed by all to become his successor -- cryptically (but unmistakably) threatened to engineer World War III between NATO & the Pacific allies on one side, versus China & Russia on the other. From the devil's own mouth, from a 2015 conference at the World Bank (2015).
“If there is conflict between China and a military ally of the United States, like Japan, then it is not an exaggeration to say that we are on the threshold of a third world war.”
In an article penned for The New York Review of Books, entitled "A Partnership with China to Avoid World War," Soros repeated his threat:
"Both the US and China have a vital interest in reaching an understanding because the alternative is so unpalatable. The benefits of an eventual agreement between China and the US could be equally far-reaching.... If this approach could be extended to the financial and economic spheres, the threat of a military alignment between China and Russia would be removed and the prospect of a global conflict would be greatly diminished."
Translation: "Hey China. Dump Russia and slow down with your newly created Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) --or else!"
Trump's peacemaking is an historic accomplishment which ought to merit the praise of conservatives and the ageing, Volvo-driving, Whole Foods shopping, "peace, love, dope" libtards alike. But who will tell the good news to the silver ponytails when the perpetual warmongers control Fake News?
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times today that Trump is ordering all American troops out of Somalia.
Boobus Americanus 2: Isolationism.... baaaad.
St. Sugar: Bring all the frickin' troopss home from everywhere ... and use em' to sshoot our domestic communistss insstead!
Editor: I don't think there are enough bullets to finish off all the Deep Staters. But we can use the same ropes and trees many times over.
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
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