Should his propped-up carcass assume office in January (which it will not) -- President Non-Elect Biden's handlers will move quickly to deal a 1-2 knockout blow to the American economy (and by extension, that of "the free world" ™) by rapidly implementing the tyrannical "solutions" to the parallel Globalist hoaxes of Stupid-19 and the Climate Con. Also high on the Council on Foreign Relations hit-list on humanity are a return to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trap (here), "re-engagement" in the Middle East (here), watering down "Brexit" (here), raising job-killing taxes "on the rich" (here), and "maintaining a presence" in Afghanistan (here). Not good, boys and girls. Not good.
Above all of the expected new policies, the Slimes is positively giddy with demonic glee over the Biden plan to not only advance the Climate Con, but to tie the scam to combating its "racist"™ impact on "people of color ™".
From the article:
"Top candidates for senior cabinet posts ... have long supported aggressive policies to curb climate change. Mr. Biden’s inner circle routinely asks “is the person climate-ambitious?” of candidates even for lower profile positions like the White House budget and regulatory offices.... Transition team members have been instructed to identify policies that can improve pollution levels in Black and Latino communities. And one of Mr. Biden’s early executive orders is expected to require that every federal agency, department and program prepare to address climate change." (emphasis added)
Not good, boys and girls. Not good.
Above all of the expected new policies, the Slimes is positively giddy with demonic glee over the Biden plan to not only advance the Climate Con, but to tie the scam to combating its "racist"™ impact on "people of color ™".
From the article:
"Top candidates for senior cabinet posts ... have long supported aggressive policies to curb climate change. Mr. Biden’s inner circle routinely asks “is the person climate-ambitious?” of candidates even for lower profile positions like the White House budget and regulatory offices.... Transition team members have been instructed to identify policies that can improve pollution levels in Black and Latino communities. And one of Mr. Biden’s early executive orders is expected to require that every federal agency, department and program prepare to address climate change." (emphasis added)
Not good, boys and girls. Not good.
1. The TPP Trap-- Trump got us out. Biden's handlers would put us back in. // 2. The Paris Climate Trap -- Trump got us out. Biden's handlers would put us back in. // 3. Brexit -- Trump supported British sovereignty. Biden's handlers would force "free" UK to essentially stay connected to the EUSSR beast system.
The nefarious and traitorous intentions of Biden's Globalist handlers come as no surprise to "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times or to its regular readership. Not much new to teach "youse guys" here. But there was one line in this cesspool of Sulzbergerian sedition that does offer us a "teachable moment" ™ which confirms a certain social dynamic that we've been presciently warning about for years.
From the article:
"Republicans insist they want bipartisan climate legislation ... but their visions of capturing carbon from coal-fired power plants and expanding nuclear energy do not align with Mr. Biden’s promise to phase out fossil fuel-powered electricity and move to solar, wind and other renewable fuel sources.
“There are ways we can protect our environment without punishing our economy. Free market innovation, not government taxation or heavy-handed regulations, is the best way to deal with climate change,” said Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming." (emphasis added)
My dear Senator Barrasshole --- The Green Reds don't give a frickety-frack about "carbon capture" technology or nuclear power because the Climate Con is not about, and never was about, "saving the planet. ™" Duh! Can you not see that by cowardly conceding the underlying false premise of man-made "Climate Change ™" -- instead of aggressively debunking the guts out of it -- you have already placed yourself on the defensive when you ought to be dealing a knock-out blow to the lying sons-of-bitches and their whore "scientists." As The Great One of the 19th Century (that's Napoleon FYI) once observed: "The purely defensive is doomed to defeat."
Tell it, mon général. Tell it! --- Come on Barasshole. Fight like Napoleon!
1. Senator Barrasshole (who appears to one of the good guys) believes he can thwart the Globalists by pitching "carbon capture" technology -- instead of calling out the grand hoax. // 2. Carbon Capture is a viable "solution" to a fictitious problem. The Left will NEVER accept it as a public policy because what (((they))) really want is to enact "carbon taxes," depress living standards and erase national sovereignty. // 3. In clear, concise and convincing language, "Climate Bogeyman" (by yours truly) DESTROYS the Climate Con. Sincere Republican'ts must attack the Fake Science head on -- and not tip-toe around the Climate Con by admitting to it and peddling "carbon capture."
Rational debate on this or that issue ought to be reserved for those who disagree with your position, but truly do mean well and sincerely believe in their error. With facts, logic and patience -- those are the folks we try to win over - and it ain't easy! But when the adversary is a known liar and wicked conspirator who is determined to deceive and do harm, what do you hope to convince him of? In such situations, there can be no "debate" -- only vicious and unrelenting counter-attack.
Those fundamentally decent Republican'ts (not to be confused with the treacherous Globalist Repugnants) should take heed of the admonition from the 1973 classic film "The Exorcist." Recall the scene in which Father Merrin, the senior priest, sternly cautions the younger, inexperienced Father Karras to avoid engaging in any debate or conversation with the devil that is possessing the little girl? Here is the line:
"Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don't listen to him. Remember that - do not listen."
Be he physical or metaphorical, this is how the Devil operates. First, he gently pleads for a small "door-opening" - a "debate." Then, by mixing truth with lies, he sows the seeds of confusion where there shouldn't be any confusion at all. And finally, he crushes you! Unfortunately for Father Karras, he allowed the words of the cunning demon to get into his head and rattle him, with tragic consequences for both priests. And that is exactly what has happened with foolish Republican'ts like Barasshole who actually thought they could out-debate and out-maneuver Satan's fiendishly cunning minions by proposing "carbon capture" (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) as a means to reasoning with the deceitful Green Reds.
1. The Climate Con (referred to as "The Greenhouse Effect" back in the day) began with a reasonable-sounding proposal for "debate" back, in 1979: "Just hear me out, OK? I think the planet may be warming and we should have a scientific debate this issue." // 2. Father Merrin admonished us NOT TO debate with nor give-an-inch to known liars and demons. // 3. The greening of Marxism. You think the demonic disciples of Marx actually care about "capturing carbon?"
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Biden will be taking bold action to fight Climate Change.
Boobus Americanus 2: CO2 ---- baaaad.
St. Sugar: Boobuss, you moron! Plants thrive on CO2 -- a subsstance which isn't even an elemental gass of the atmossphere!
Editor: That's right. Apart altogether from the fact that the planet isn't even warming at this time, CO2 is a trace gas that is measured at a few hundred parts PER MILLION.
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
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