All of snooty snarky Libtardia is still snickering over the Trump campaign's bizarre "mistake" of booking a warehouse or storage facility belonging to Philadelphia's Four Seasons Total Landscaping instead of the five-star Four Seasons Hotel as the site of Trump sidekick Rudy Giuliani's contentious voter fraud press conference. From the article:
"Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, was standing in the parking lot of Four Seasons Total Landscaping in far northeast Philadelphia -- highlighting alleged examples of voter fraud ...
The surroundings were humble for such a seminal moment — a podium set up in front of a closed garage door decorated with a campaign poster — especially after a presidential tweet in the morning had advertised something that sounded a lot more upscale.
“Lawyers News Conference Four Seasons, Philadelphia. 11:00 a.m.,” President Trump tweeted Saturday morning, before explaining that he did not mean the luxury downtown hotel near the city’s convention center -- referring instead to a business called Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
The correction quickly met with derision and glee among Twitter users, who assumed the campaign had accidentally booked the wrong venue. The landscaping business, after all, was situated near a porn shop, Fantasy Island Adult Bookstore, and a crematorium."
It was immediately clear to this reporter that the choice of a rear lot of a landscaping company for such an important event had to have had some sort of "Sicilian Message" significance. That's how Trump rolls -- everything in code. The only clue we could hypothesize on was the name "Total Landscaping" -- which perhaps links to the "D-5" that Q Anon has posted about many times. A "D-5" landslide is one that is so severe that it alters the "landscape" -- "Total Landscape," get it? It certainly would make sense, but because the company was founded in 1992, the name is probably just coincidental. But we now learn that there is potentially more significance -- much more -- to this location.
"Rudolph W. Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, was standing in the parking lot of Four Seasons Total Landscaping in far northeast Philadelphia -- highlighting alleged examples of voter fraud ...
The surroundings were humble for such a seminal moment — a podium set up in front of a closed garage door decorated with a campaign poster — especially after a presidential tweet in the morning had advertised something that sounded a lot more upscale.
“Lawyers News Conference Four Seasons, Philadelphia. 11:00 a.m.,” President Trump tweeted Saturday morning, before explaining that he did not mean the luxury downtown hotel near the city’s convention center -- referring instead to a business called Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
The correction quickly met with derision and glee among Twitter users, who assumed the campaign had accidentally booked the wrong venue. The landscaping business, after all, was situated near a porn shop, Fantasy Island Adult Bookstore, and a crematorium."
It was immediately clear to this reporter that the choice of a rear lot of a landscaping company for such an important event had to have had some sort of "Sicilian Message" significance. That's how Trump rolls -- everything in code. The only clue we could hypothesize on was the name "Total Landscaping" -- which perhaps links to the "D-5" that Q Anon has posted about many times. A "D-5" landslide is one that is so severe that it alters the "landscape" -- "Total Landscape," get it? It certainly would make sense, but because the company was founded in 1992, the name is probably just coincidental. But we now learn that there is potentially more significance -- much more -- to this location.
1 & 2. Why did Trump -- who does everything in first-class -- pick this place for such an important event? / 3. The stupid-ass libs & commies believe that the event was supposed to be booked at Philadelphia's "Four Season's" Hotel, but that somebody in the campaign made a mistake! Keep laughing, commies.
Tip of the hat to the oh-so-witty libtards who were actually the first to mockingly point out for us the proximity to Four Seasons of a porno shop and a crematorium. Those bits of data led some of us "autists" to thinking that the Sicilian Message had to do with Trump's knowledge of something (or someone?) having been burned at the crematorium. Might that be ... ballots?
A closer look at the press conference images shows cameras mounted high on the walls of Four Seasons -- directly across from the crematorium. Now "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times is always reluctant to pass along unconfirmed scuttlebutt --- but because the rumors match up so plausibly with our first hypotheses, we have to ask -- Did the White Hats film Filthydelphia poll workers delivering truckloads of pro-Trump ballots to the Delaware Valley Cremation Center? Think about it. How difficult and dangerous would it have been to dump thousands of bags and boxes full of ballots in dumpsters amidst such a climate of suspicion. No. Cremation is the only way to go!
Don't bet the farm on this hypothesis just yet --- but all we can say for sure is:
1. Trump & Rudy were clearly sending some sort of message, and...
2. This exciting scenario makes perfect sense.
Stay tuned.
1. Trump operative Corey Lewandowski's tweet referring to Four Seasons Total Landscaping as American patriots confirms that Rudy's press conference at "the wrong Four Seasons" was some type of "trolling" operation. // 2. Rudy situated himself directly beneath a Four Seasons' surveillance camera -- across from the cremation center.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times today that the Trump campaign mistook Four Seasons Total Landscaping for the Four Seasons Hotel.
Boobus Americanus 2: Ha ha ha ha. Rudy looked so pathetic in that run down parking lot.
St. Sugar: Ha ha ha ha ha. That wass indeed funny, Boobuss.
Editor: Sugar is laughing for a different reason.
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
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