Attorneys Lin Wood & Sidney Powell threaten to bring the whole rotten system down
NOVEMBER 27, 2020
NY Times: What We Know About Sidney Powell, the Lawyer Behind Wild Voting Conspiracy Theories
NY Times: Lawsuit Brought by Conservative Lawyer Lin Wood Jr. Seeks to Halt Certification of Vote in Georgia
NY Times: What We Know About Sidney Powell, the Lawyer Behind Wild Voting Conspiracy Theories
NY Times: Lawsuit Brought by Conservative Lawyer Lin Wood Jr. Seeks to Halt Certification of Vote in Georgia
Among the millions of worldwide devotees of the Q Anon phenomenon, the recent cyber-silence of Q has been nerve-wracking for some, and discouraging for others. Compounding that is the removal of so many YouTube channels, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts which explained the Q posts and amplified the message. Though we suspect that -- as Q likes to say -- he is "rigged for red" (submarine terminology for running silent with red lights on) in preparation for the final assault -- whether or not Q ever posts again (and he will) may no longer be relevant at this point. You see, who needs cryptic posts from Q when high-powered -- and now, high-profile - individuals very close to Trump are essentially echoing Q publicly? Attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are now the talk of "mainstream news" -- and their unapologetic and unequivocal "Q Anonism" -- though not openly stated -- is unmistakable. Ms. Powell might as well wear a giant "Q" on her dress.. Actually, she has!
Let's have a closer look at this dynamic duo of dauntless southern patriots.
Let's have a closer look at this dynamic duo of dauntless southern patriots.
1. Lin (Lincoln) Wood in the Oval Office with Donald Trump. // 2. Sidney Powell represented the admitted Q follower (here) and former Trump National Security Adviser, General Mike Flynn. Notice the variation of the letter "Q" emblazoned across her dress.
L. Lincoln "Lin" Wood Jr.
Georgia lawyer Lin Wood was most noted for the successful libel and defamation suit he won on behalf of Richard Jewell -- the security guard falsely accused by the Deep State and the Fake News of staging the Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta in 1996. Wood reached monetary settlements from CNN and NBC, while also forcing Time magazine to publish a retraction. The Deep State had it in for Jewell because his quick thinking and warning to passersby saved many lives that day. Thus was thwarted an event which would otherwise have been blamed on some big bad Arab villain of the day.
Following the rigged election of 2020, Wood's recent tweets and statements might as well have been written by Q himself. A sampling:
“Look, I’d like to see John Durham’s report come out and people go to jail. I’d like to see Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and a lot of people go to jail. I’d like to see what’s on Hunter Biden’s laptop. I’d like to see those people go to jail. I’d like to see what’s on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. I’d like to see a lot of people go to jail. And then when we get to the final phase of the election fraud I’d like to see people go to jail.”
“This country’s going to be shocked when they find the truth about who’s been occupying the Oval Office for some periods of years. They’re going to be shocked at the level of pedophilia. They are going to be shocked at what I believe is going to be a revelation in terms of people who are engaged in Satanic worship.”
“The one thing I’ll say is there will be an intermingling. There will be people going to jail I believe who are involved in all of those or some of those same investigations. So there is potentially a great awakening. The truth has to come out. I believe it will. I do not think that you can hide the truth. I do say it and I believe it, every lie will be revealed.”
"As we approach Thanksgiving 20/20, 80+M Patriots waiting to give thanks for indictments opening these gates: 1.EpsteinPedoGate 2.DurhamRussiaGate 3.WeinerLapTopGate 4.HunterLapTopGate 5.HillaryGate 6.CommunistElectionTheftGate REVEAL EVERY LIE REVEAL EVERY CRIME LOCK ALL UP!"
"Donald Trump is ready. Patriots are ready. Watch for whites of their Communist eyes."
Satanic pedo-monsters in high places? A "great awakening?" Mass arrests coming? Communists? -- It doesn't get any Q-ier than that, boys and girls. Tell it, Mr. Wood. Tell it!
1. The Atlanta Olympics bombing of 1996 was engineered to murder 100's of people and then drag us into war. The quick thinking of a security guard (who saw a suspicious backpack and then yelled at passersby to evacuate) saved the day and thwarted the Deep State. // 3. When the vicious Deep State turned its media guns against the humble hero whom they mocked as a "wannabee cop," Lin Wood came to his defense and got the media liars to pay up for libeling this decent and simple man as a "terrorist."
Sidney Powell
After Team Trump clarified the fact that Ms. Powell -- a former Federal prosecutor -- is not a member of the Trump legal team (spun by Fake News to seem as though she was fired), it has been plausibly speculated by some that her true employer is the U.S. Military -- and whereas others are pursuing the civil law route, Powell's end game involves military tribunals. Some very Q-ish-sounding gems from the Twitter and TV appearances of the feisty femme from North Carolina:
"And BIG TECH & #Facebook #Google #Twitter are all into suppressing our freedom of speech to challenge this outrageous #Election fr@ud! Wonder who all is funding the #Communist efforts for #Biden Read the sworn testimony yourself!"
"It (the voter fraud) has been organized and conducted with the help of Silicon Valley people, the big tech companies, the social media and even the media companies. And, I’m going to release the Kraken!" (* The "Kracken" is a military computer system that can track fraud. It is named after a mythical giant Octopus-like creature that could destroy ships."
“Notably the Dominion executives are nowhere to be found now. They are moving their offices overnight to different places. Their office in Toronto was shared with one of the George Soros entities.”
"Actually it was always a tsunami in favor of Trump. The evil media, big tech, and Left conspired to make the American people believe otherwise to cover their massive fraud.
"The evidence is so overwhelming..there is a foreign intrusion into our voting system."
"I want the American public to know right now that we will not be intimidated. American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level, to the highest level of our government. We are going to take this country back. We are not going to be intimidated. We are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it, and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom."
"I am going to go after them and I am going to expose every one of them."
"Georgia's probably going to be the first state I'm going to blow up and Mr. Kemp and the secretary of state need to go with it. It's going to be biblical." (a common Q Anon saying)
Tell it sister. Tell it!
So you see, Wood and Powell are the physical "real world" embodiment of Q from cyber-land. Q remains in control. Sit back and enjoy the finale of "the plan."
Headline: NY Times (November 27, 2020):
* New Rule Would Allow U.S. to Use More Methods for Executions
The Justice Department has created new regulations allowing for the use of more methods for federal executions, including firing squad and electrocution.
Unlike in some of the final-hour decisions, the practical effect of the rule remains unclear.
The sudden return of Firing Squads??? Old Sparky to be dusted off??? Hmmmm. Whatcha' got in mind there, Mr. President?
1. Powell's Twitter photo features her Q dress with a "storm" in the DC background, as she walks behind Military Intel man, General Mike Flynn -- who is openly pro-Q. // 2. Powell's threats and obvious Q references have got the Deep State Judenpresse Armada screaming "conspiracy theorist!" -- "conspiracy theorist!" // 3. Powell quoted Q: "It's going to be biblical."
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that pro-Trump attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are both conspiracy theorists.
Boobus Americanus 2: With no evidence, why do these right wing lawyers continue to make baseless claims of voter fraud?
St. Sugar: You'll have all the hard evidence of vote fraud ssoon, Boobuss. Plus a whole lot more sstuff to follow.
Editor: Like Lin Wood said, once the dam bursts, so much more will follow.
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
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