Under the guise of "tolerance," ™ the mainstreaming of man-on-man buggering and woman-on-woman "scissoring" (don't ask) has always been a key long-term objective of the Marxist-Trotskyite subversives of the infamous "Frankfurt School" and, more importantly, the NWO Globalist overlords above them. Though the plot to destroy the traditional nuclear family unit and thus engineer an alienated state-dependent population has many tentacles -- both economic and social -- the promotion of the absurdity that is "gay marriage" ™ is one of those weapons. Of course, for strategic reasons, (((they))) generally do not say this openly. But among themselves, there is ample documentation of this ghoulish goal. The gruesome, New York-born "Russian" journalist / activist / lesbian Masha Gessen (cough cough) spelled it out for her commie clique at a forum held in Australia:
"I agree that we should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it is a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist (audience applauds) . . . . Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we're going to do with marriage when we get there, because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change, and again, I don't think it should exist. ... I have three kids who have five parents, more or less. And I don't see why we should choose two of those parents and make them into a sanctioned couple." (audio here)
Thank you for that honest assessment, dear lovely Masha -- even though it was surely not intended for our ears.
"I agree that we should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it is a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist (audience applauds) . . . . Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we're going to do with marriage when we get there, because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change, and again, I don't think it should exist. ... I have three kids who have five parents, more or less. And I don't see why we should choose two of those parents and make them into a sanctioned couple." (audio here)
Thank you for that honest assessment, dear lovely Masha -- even though it was surely not intended for our ears.
1. Leon Trotsky (cough cough) actually soured on the Communist Revolution in Russia when Stalin's regime -- bad as it was -- began promoting family life again. // 2. The Marxist Jews of the anti-family / pro-homosexual "Frankfurt School" believed that the worldwide revolution had to be cultural and gradual -- from "generation to generation." // 3. The lovely and gracious Masha Gessen "let the cat out of the bag" for us.
No marriage, eh? How then, can a society without the God-ordained institution of marriage -- hence, without fathers -- manage the natural results of unlimited, uncommitted male-female intercourse? Have a look at America's inner cities (and, increasingly, America's White suburbs too) and see. Not too good.
In this coming "New World" without families, who will be responsible for the children that don't get vivisected or saline-burned in the womb? How many "baby-daddies" should a "liberated" woman accumulate? Who is responsible for which set of children? Loony libtards may not be able to answer those question, but Marxist Masha and her malevolent minions have the solution --- the all-mighty totalitarian state will "care" for them from "cradle to grave!"
One would think that the Pope of the Catholic Church would understand this basic philosophy / theology. Not so with the Poofter Poop Francis. When one comes to fully understand the commie credentials of this Argentinian ass-clown, his recent endorsement of "gay civil unions" makes perfect sense. This is, after all, a man who once famously quipped that although communism is wrong -- he had known "many good people who were Marxists." Let's meet a few of Frankie the Fake's Red friends, shall we?
Comrade Careaga
One of the "many good Marxists" that a young Jorge Bergoglio (now Poop Francis) knew and befriended was Esther Careaga, a member of the Argentinian Communist front group, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo. The "Madres" were the mothers of subversive Communist revolutionaries who had been imprisoned or executed between 1976-1983. The hard crackdown on these Marxist guerrillas was necessitated by a rash of terrorist bombings, kidnappings and murders carried out by the darling little children of these Marxist moms.
Comrade Careaga was so close to Bergoglio that she entrusted him to hide her parents' Marxist books for her. Bergoglio did so, even though being found with such literature might have gotten him into trouble. Said the future pinko Pope of the subversive Red wench, "Careaga was a good friend and a great woman." (here)
Comrade de Bonafini
The scandal-plagued Mothers association still agitates for "progressive" causes in Argentina today, with its younger militants openly calling for a Cuban-style revolution. In the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the U.S., founding member Hebe Pastor de Bonafini, evidently under the false impression that the attacks were carried out by Arabs, applauded the event:
"When the attack happened I was in Cuba, visiting my daughter, and I felt happiness. It didn't hurt me at all."
She went on to connect their ideals with the cause of the Communist guerrilla groups in 1970s Argentina. Four years later, the Communist hag aimed her vicious verbal bombs at the anti-Communist Pope John Paul II. As the Pope lay dying she said he was a "swine", and added, "he committed many sins, and would rot in hell." (here)
Incredibly, de Bonafini is now also a "friend" of Pope Fakeness. The two have exchanged friendly letters of support, with Phony Frankie "sharing sorrow" over some of the missing Communist scum still not accounted for. (here) Perhaps the "New World Pope" was not aware of her inflammatory statements regarding 9/11 and the death of Pope John "swine" Paul II -- but he knows damn well that the Madres group is as controversial as it is Marxist. And he also knows what the wicked "missing children" of these Red ladies were really all about.
Comrade Mugica
Yet another of the "many good Marxists" that Cardinal Bergoglio so admires was Communist Priest Carlos Mugica and his band of "slum Priests". Just like Pope Frankie, the highly political slum priests placed Marxist "haves vs have-nots" class warfare materialism ahead of moral teachings. During the 1960's, Fr. Mugica, the leather jacket-wearing priest with the movie-star looks, actually sponsored symposiums for “Dialogue between Catholics and Marxists.”
Fr. Mugica was also an admitted admirer of Argentinian Communist revolutionary Che Guevara and maintained loose ties to the terrorist-Communist 'Montoneros' guerrillas. For these reasons, Bishop Aramburu was preparing to defrock the commie cleric once and for all. (here)
In 1974, an operative of the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance (AAA), assassinated the phony Father -- shooting him 5 times at close range. The funeral for Marxist Mugica attracted the Communist scum of Argentina from every rat-hole and sewer pipe.
Twenty-five years later, Archbishop Bergoglio worked to resurrect his memory. In 1999, the future Pope led a procession in which the pinko priest’s remains were exhumed from a cemetery and reburied in the chapel in the villa where he had lived. Bergoglio made the slum priests a priority. He tripled their numbers and gave them a special rank. He opened new chapels for them and visited them frequently, usually arriving on his own by city bus to show-off to everyone what a "down-to-earth" Archbishop he really was.”
The mysterious and unprecedented resignation of Frankie's predecessor all makes sense now. What happened in 2013 was actually a Globalist coup, a "Vatican Spring" - so to speak. The rise of "The New World Pope" has been a boon for the Globo-Marxists. Efforts to stop illegal immigration into Europe have been severely set back by the Pope's urging to keep the floodgates open. His Hollowness has also downplayed the Church's stand on abortion, opened the door to the acceptance of homosexuality, and even given his blessing to the fake, soul-distorting "sciences" of Evolution and the Climate Con.
It is very telling that the same Pope who was so quick to purge high-ranking conservative bishops, is oh-so "tolerant" when it comes to making nice-nice with Communists, illegal immigrant invaders and homosexuals. It is no wonder that the Marxist media loves this perverted charlatan.
1a. Bolshevik Bonafini gives the raised-fist Marxist salute. --- 1b: Marxist Mugica -- Commie "priest" in black leather jacket. // 2a. Marxist Mamma Carreaga/ -- 2b. Poop Frankie accepts a special gift from Marxist Evo Morales of Bolivia -- Christ on a hammer & sickle! // 3a. Frankie Faggot to Homo Obongo: "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? --- 3b. Frankie the Fake meets Gloomy Greta Thunberg of "Climate Strike" fame. That's the only time I've ever seen that demonic child actually smile!
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Pope Francis supports civil unions for same-sex couples.
Boobus Americanus 2: This pope is very progressive.
St. Sugar: Boobuss, you frickin' imbecile! The word "progressive" has alwayss been code language for being a Marxisst!
Editor: That's right! And it was Marx himself who used that term -- meaning "progress" toward a one-world nightmare superstate.
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PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
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