The obligatory eat-till-ya-pop -- and then watch a bunch of America-hating "oppressed" millionaires play football on TV -- family get together that is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA is still about six weeks away from now. That would equate to about nine full months from the start of the moronic mass mania of the Stupid-19 scamdemic. And still, a significant percentage of the population is expected to obediently abide by the "guidelines" to limit the gathering to nuclear family only -- that is, those nuclear families that still exist. Sorry Grandmom & Grandpop --- no extended gatherings of all your grand-kids. You could die, dontcha know? Maybe next year --- if you're still around.
A bit of insanity, er, "the new normal" ™ --- from the article:
"Just how many whole turkeys will Americans cook this year for a holiday whose wings have been clipped by the pandemic? “That’s the big question on the tip of everybody’s tongue,” said Stew Leonard Jr., who expects to sell 20 percent fewer big turkeys at the seven stores his family owns in the Northeast.
All indications are that the holiday gatherings that used to bring together dozens of people to share one or two turkeys will be scuttled in favor of smaller celebrations. That could lead to a run on small turkey, a higher-than-usual demand for parts like whole breasts, and higher prices across the board. And although no turkey farmer likes to hear this, some cooks may simply decide to go all in on a big chicken."
We wish we could say that this is Fake News -- but the expected behavioral changes associated with Thanksgiving this year are supported by market research. Well, that's good news for the big fat turkeys -- tragic for the smaller ones and the chickens. But why isn't anybody afraid of contracting a new, new coronavirus from handling the raw turkeys and chickens? After all, the virus that causes Stupid-19 -- as the children's fable goes -- did originate with a bird (actually, bats are mammals, but let's not get technical) which magically leaped onto an unsuspecting Chinaman. And the rest is Fake History.
1. This Thanksgiving, the Parsons Family is thankful to still be alive. // 2. Upon learning that smaller turkeys and chickens will be in higher demand this Thanksgiving, Big Tom the Turkey does his happy dance. // 3. Sorry Mr. Chicken --- but with all the smaller gatherings this year, you're what normies want this year.
We the awake can fault the "elites" for this crying absurdity -- and certainly, (((they))) do merit the death penalty for continuing to perpetrate this emotional and economic abuse upon the world. But the normies who blindly accept the abuse without so much as an iota of curiosity or skepticism must not be let off the hook. As Shakespeare wrote in Julius Caesar:
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves."
In other words -- no one is to blame for the world's problems but ourselves (the normies, that is). In his novel, 1984, George Orwell visits this theme with his unflattering description of the character "Parsons." It's one the most concise, memorable and philosophically profound lines from literature that you'll ever read. Commit it to memory! Here it is:
“Parsons was Winston's fellow employee at the Ministry of Truth. He was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms -- one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the thought police, the stability of the Party depended.”
Whereas Winston was a Truther (though he dared not show it) Parsons was the ultimate normie. As such, though he may mean well, Parsons is our deadliest enemy. For without him, the likes of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros et al would have no power. In the end, Parson's own brainwashed kids ratted him out (falsely) as a traitor and had him arrested. How similar this is to the countless cases of a real life "Parsons" calling the police to inform on the neighbors for not "social distancing?" (here) (here)(here) -- or accosting a fellow shopper for not wearing a mask? (here)
This Thanksgiving, millions of "Parsonses" (including some in my own extended family) -- or even non-Parsons afraid of what the neighbors might say if they see a bunch of guests arriving -- will be eating smaller turkeys or chickens with their NFL (Negro Felons League) football. Who needs em, anyway? I got my happy nuclear family and "youse guys" as the "extended" instead.
1. The idiot Parsons savors his disgusting cafeteria slop with great enthusiasm. Because the Party (by way of the televisions which were required to be on in everyone's apartment) has told him that food is abundant and delicious throughout Oceania, Parsons doesn't even notice the scarcity of meat and the decline in quality. // 2. Parsons' demonic soul-less children -- members of the "Junior Spies" -- informed on their father with false charges of disloyalty. // 3. In prison, a pathetic and frightened Parsons tells Winston that although he is innocent, he was very proud of his monstrous little bastards for doing what they believed was right.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that there won't be as much of a demand for larger turkeys this year because most gatherings will be nuclear families only.
Boobus Americanus 2: Yes. Usually we have 15-20 people over the house. This year it will only be us four -- socially distanced, of course -- at the table.
St. Sugar: Parsonss! You stupid dead fissh! Your mom is dying a death of lonelinesss in the frickin' nurssing home because you're so dumb and heartlesss.
Editor: Hopefully, we'll be giving thanks for the arrests of some high level people after November 3rd.
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
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