Marxist Obongo presenting Marxist Molina the Presidential Medal of Freedom
OCTOBER 14, 2020
NY Times: Mario Molina, 77, Dies; Sounded an Alarm on the Ozone Layer
He shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research that showed how chemicals in hair spray and other products could cause grave environmental damage.
OCTOBER 14, 2020
NY Times: Mario Molina, 77, Dies; Sounded an Alarm on the Ozone Layer
He shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research that showed how chemicals in hair spray and other products could cause grave environmental damage.
Head up, Satan -- incoming!
Good riddance to Professor Mario Molina who, as a 31-year-old postdoctoral researcher at University of California at Irvine back in 1974, co-authored a "groundbreaking" paper in the journal Nature warning of the threat of chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFCs) -- harmless gases that were used in refrigerants, aerosol sprays and fire extinguishers -- to the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Some of you baby-boomers will no doubt recall when the "Hole-in-the-Ozone Layer" hoax scare was all the rage before yielding the stage to the bigger and badder scare of the "Greenhouse Effect" ™ which was later rebranded as "Global Warming" ™ which was later rebranded as "Climate Change." ™ In spite of the debunking of his concocted theories, the Mexican-born Molina later shared the 1995 IgNobel Prize in chemistry with Paul J. Crutzen and F. Sherwood Rowland for their "discovery" of the role of CFCs in "ozone depletion." ™
Why is that we stopped hearing about "the hole in the ozone layer ™?" Weren't most of us supposed to have died of skin cancer caused by dangerous rays coming though the depleted barrier? Who pulled the plug on the scam -- and why? We believe that the scam was quietly retired in the mid-1990's so that the more effective "Greenhouse Effect" ™ / "Global Warming" ™ scare could take center stage. But to do so, the Globalists needed a credible exit strategy to explain away why this "crisis" is no longer a crisis. And Marxist Molina would also play a role in retiring the hoax.
Good riddance to Professor Mario Molina who, as a 31-year-old postdoctoral researcher at University of California at Irvine back in 1974, co-authored a "groundbreaking" paper in the journal Nature warning of the threat of chlorofluorocarbon gases (CFCs) -- harmless gases that were used in refrigerants, aerosol sprays and fire extinguishers -- to the ozone layer in the stratosphere. Some of you baby-boomers will no doubt recall when the "Hole-in-the-Ozone Layer" hoax scare was all the rage before yielding the stage to the bigger and badder scare of the "Greenhouse Effect" ™ which was later rebranded as "Global Warming" ™ which was later rebranded as "Climate Change." ™ In spite of the debunking of his concocted theories, the Mexican-born Molina later shared the 1995 IgNobel Prize in chemistry with Paul J. Crutzen and F. Sherwood Rowland for their "discovery" of the role of CFCs in "ozone depletion." ™
Why is that we stopped hearing about "the hole in the ozone layer ™?" Weren't most of us supposed to have died of skin cancer caused by dangerous rays coming though the depleted barrier? Who pulled the plug on the scam -- and why? We believe that the scam was quietly retired in the mid-1990's so that the more effective "Greenhouse Effect" ™ / "Global Warming" ™ scare could take center stage. But to do so, the Globalists needed a credible exit strategy to explain away why this "crisis" is no longer a crisis. And Marxist Molina would also play a role in retiring the hoax.
In 1987, an international agreement known as the Montreal Protocol On Substances That Deplete The Ozone Layer was finalized with scarcely any opposition. The ridiculous gas-banning scam even had the blessing of President Ronald Reagan (here) -- who by that time was already manifesting early stages of dementia. Millions of perfectly good refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as replacement parts, had to be taken off the market for non-compliance with the new standards.
The absurd predictions of ozone depletion-induced skin cancer epidemics and environmental devastation never even came close to being true. Of course, the self-congratulatory Globalists credit the Montreal Protocol -- for which Marxist Molina was a key participant -- for having averted the falsely predicted disaster!
In 1995, Molina and friends collected their IgNobel Prize. By 2000, the scam was pretty much laid to rest -- but the agreement remains as a troublesome mechanism for mischief because it can be expanded / amended to fight "climate change." Globalist propaganda continues to cite the "historical lesson" that is the "success" of the still-amendable Montreal Protocol as an argument in favor of both expanding the scope of the original agreement to include ("Greenhouse Gases") as well implementing the Paris Climate Accords aimed at stopping "Climate Change ™." You see, if (((they))) "saved the planet" from CFC's then -- they can again save it from CO2 now.
Headline, from a U.N. Development website (
How the Montreal Protocol Can Complement the Paris Agreement
You can be sure, that if (((they))) ever do get their sovereignty-busting carbon taxes and economy-crippling regulations in place -- the hype over the Climate Con "crisis" will also fade away in due time -- as the psychopath Globalists again take a bow for having reduced global temperatures and lowered the sea-levels --- neither of which ever rose in the first place.
And THAT, boys and girls, is the real "historical lesson" of Mario Molina's Montreal Protocol. We therefore close as we began --- by saying "good riddance" to Marxist Molina.
1. New York Times -- 1987 front page sang the praises of the Montreal Scam. // 2. In those pre-Internet, pre-"right wing" talk radio days, the environmentalist hoaxsters had little opposition. // 3. "Conservative" dupes Reagan, Thatcher (UK) & Mulroney (Canada) set a dangerous precedent by allowing the Marxist Montreal Protocols to be approved and implemented -- all on the basis of Marxist Mario Molina's fake science.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that one of the key discoverers of the hole in the ozone layer just passed away.
Boobus Americanus 2: I remember that. I wonder how come we don't we hear about the hole in the ozone layer anymore?
St. Sugar: Think, Boobuss. Think!!!
Editor: He'll never figure it out on his own.
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
PLUS the "almost-daily' Anti-NY Times
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