In spite of Mark Zuckerberg's open support of all things libtarded -- as well as his company's wholesale de-platforming of "hate groups" ™ and other various truthers -- far too much truth and far too many "conspiracy theories" ™ are still getting out through mighty Facebook's international web. For this reason -- plus the fact that the Trump campaign was allowed to buy unlimited ads on Facebook in 2020 -- demon-possessed scum such as George Soros, Killary Clinton and the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) had publicly attacked the social media giant which also owns the smaller social media giant, Instagram.
Some examples:
* The Guardian (November 4, 2019)
Hillary Clinton: Zuckerberg Should Pay Price for Damage to Democracy
Killary: “When Facebook is the principal news source for more than half of the American people, and the only source of news that most of them pay any attention to, and if it announces that it has no responsibility for the airing of false ads … how are you supposed to get accurate information about anything, let alone candidates running for office?”
* BBC (February 18, 2020)
Soros calls for Zuckerberg and (Cheryl) Sandberg to Leave Facebook
Soros: "Mr Zuckerberg appears to be engaged in some kind of mutual assistance arrangement with Donald Trump that will help him to get re-elected. Facebook does not need to wait for government regulations to stop accepting any political advertising in 2020 until after the elections on 4 November. I repeat my proposal, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg should be removed from control of Facebook."
* Forbes Magazine: (June 2nd)
Anti-Defamation League Says Facebook Won’t Crack Down On Anti-Semitic Hate
The ADL accused Facebook of “inaction” despite its community standards banning hate speech in a letter to the oversight board. ADL highlighted seven posts it said it reported to Facebook but that the platform had refused to take down, arguing they didn’t violate Facebook policies.
Among these posts are a picture of a protester holding a sign reading “Hitler Was Right,” a graphic with a quote from chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels promoting Jewish domination tropes, and conspiracy theories."
You see, for Markie and Sheryl, it appears that their bottom line (and fiduciary obligation to investors) outweighs their politics and even their Jewishness. Something had to be done.
Some examples:
* The Guardian (November 4, 2019)
Hillary Clinton: Zuckerberg Should Pay Price for Damage to Democracy
Killary: “When Facebook is the principal news source for more than half of the American people, and the only source of news that most of them pay any attention to, and if it announces that it has no responsibility for the airing of false ads … how are you supposed to get accurate information about anything, let alone candidates running for office?”
* BBC (February 18, 2020)
Soros calls for Zuckerberg and (Cheryl) Sandberg to Leave Facebook
Soros: "Mr Zuckerberg appears to be engaged in some kind of mutual assistance arrangement with Donald Trump that will help him to get re-elected. Facebook does not need to wait for government regulations to stop accepting any political advertising in 2020 until after the elections on 4 November. I repeat my proposal, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg should be removed from control of Facebook."
* Forbes Magazine: (June 2nd)
Anti-Defamation League Says Facebook Won’t Crack Down On Anti-Semitic Hate
The ADL accused Facebook of “inaction” despite its community standards banning hate speech in a letter to the oversight board. ADL highlighted seven posts it said it reported to Facebook but that the platform had refused to take down, arguing they didn’t violate Facebook policies.
Among these posts are a picture of a protester holding a sign reading “Hitler Was Right,” a graphic with a quote from chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels promoting Jewish domination tropes, and conspiracy theories."
You see, for Markie and Sheryl, it appears that their bottom line (and fiduciary obligation to investors) outweighs their politics and even their Jewishness. Something had to be done.
1. Killary Rotten Clinton --- that filthy Communist harridan (a $10 word for a bossy old hag) blamed FakeBook and "The Russians" for her 2016 defeat. // 2. Rothschild agent Soros wanted Congress to probe Facebook. // 3. The ADL leads a coalition of other subversive groups in its "Stop Hate For Profit" campaign --- aimed mainly at Facebook.
There's more. Just last week, the Deep State Wall Street Urinal ran an attack series against Facebook -- which was followed, this past Sunday (October 3rd), by a CBS 60 Minutes segment featuring a Facebook "whistleblower" -- which was then followed by a October 4th morning hit-piece from anti-Q fanatic Kevin Roose of the New York Slimes -- titled,FFacebook Is Weaker Than We Knew. And just hours later, this shocking and unprecedented 8-hour long total "outage" of both Facebook and Instagram -- accompanied by a 5% drop in stock price. Coincidence? Or Sicilian Message?
It is indeed an awkward position that the "Editorial Board" of The Anti-NY Times finds itself in here -- that is, defending what we often refer to as "FakeBook." But much like leftist Twitter, the fact remains that these far-reaching entities, in spite of their censorship of "the far right" ™, still provide us with an extremely useful platform for getting the truth out. There's nothing wrong with using the enemy's weapons against him -- which is why we will continue to use their platform, and "youse guys" should too.
1. Sunday Night: Fake "Whistleblower" featured on Deep State '60 Minutes.' // 2. Monday Morning: Slimes's Kevin Roose Attacks Facebook in an article. Hours later, Facebook crashes for the whole day. // 3. In spite of their de-platforming and "Fact Checking" -- libtarded Facebook's massive reach and networking capabilities have given us the opportunity to have them "hoisted on their own petard" (blown up by their own bomb).
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Facebook crashed yesterday.
Boobus Americanus 2: A bad few days for Facebook. Did you see that whistleblower on 60 Minutes Sunday Night?
St. Sugar: In thiss day and age, only the mosst dim-witted of normiess still watchess 60 Frickin' Minutess!
Editor: Before the advent of cable and then the Internet, there was a time when about half the country would be glued to that crap.
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