As expected, Sulzberger's Slimes has spun that mutually buffoonish circus of a "debate" between Trump and Biden into a negative for Trump. From the article:
"Mr. Trump’s volcanic performance appeared to be the gambit of a president seeking to tarnish his opponent by any means available, unbounded by norms of accuracy and decorum and unguided by a calculated sense of how to sway the electorate or assuage voters’ reservations about his leadership."
Looking at this through the eyes of an undecided "mushy middle" normie or suburban "Karen," we would have to agree that Trump's excessive and aggressive interruptions of doddering old man Biden -- in spite of the "moderator's" impassioned pleas -- weren't exactly the best look for him. But Trump is Trump -- an amalgamation of intuitive genius and uncontrollable hurricane at the same time. Perhaps Trump fell for Biden's senility act (which he can evidently turn on and off at will if ever he's indicted) and thought he could rattle the old child molester. He thought wrong.
In spite of Trump's lack of discipline, he managed to land enough telling blows that "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-NY Times -- speaking objectively -- rates the idiotic spectacle a draw -- meaning, the "mushy middle" remains mushy.
"Mr. Trump’s volcanic performance appeared to be the gambit of a president seeking to tarnish his opponent by any means available, unbounded by norms of accuracy and decorum and unguided by a calculated sense of how to sway the electorate or assuage voters’ reservations about his leadership."
Looking at this through the eyes of an undecided "mushy middle" normie or suburban "Karen," we would have to agree that Trump's excessive and aggressive interruptions of doddering old man Biden -- in spite of the "moderator's" impassioned pleas -- weren't exactly the best look for him. But Trump is Trump -- an amalgamation of intuitive genius and uncontrollable hurricane at the same time. Perhaps Trump fell for Biden's senility act (which he can evidently turn on and off at will if ever he's indicted) and thought he could rattle the old child molester. He thought wrong.
In spite of Trump's lack of discipline, he managed to land enough telling blows that "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-NY Times -- speaking objectively -- rates the idiotic spectacle a draw -- meaning, the "mushy middle" remains mushy.
Whereas Trump and Biden "tied" last night, the true "winner" -- winning being defined as he who successfully achieved his true objectives -- was the cunning "debate moderator" with the adopted Scottish name -- Chris Wallace (cough cough) of Faux News. Ya gotta hand it to this sneaky sniveling snake -- he's damn good at what he does. Wallace skillfully concealed his hidden agenda as a pro-Biden debate-rigger by putting some direct and challenging questions to Biden on issues such as the massive cost of the Demonrats' proposed "Green New Deal," and their threat to expand and pack the U.S. Supreme Court with Leftist judges. The malleable morons of the "mushy middle" -- upon seeing that Wallace wasn't lobbing any softball questions to Biden -- was thus reassured of the "neutrality" of the "debate moderator." As Shakespeare's Hamlet would say -- Therein lies the rub!
Having thus won the confidence of the "mushy middle," the con-artist's magic trick in service to the Cabal (cough cough) behind Biden went completely undetected. Even many among the ranks of "we-the-informed" missed these two subtle diversions from discussions of a pair of HUGE issues that would sink not only Pedo Joe, but the whole Demonrat Party -- namely, the aforementioned court-packing scheme and the corrupted, daddy-assisted, business dealings of Biden's crooked son, Hunter.
1. Wily Wallik is the grandson of Russian-Jews (Bolsheviks) // 2. His dad, Mike "Wallace" of 60 Minutes fame, once corrected Morgan Freeman for describing him as "White" -- stating that he was Jewish instead. (here) // 3. A corrupt referee may seem to be objective and legitimate -- but his methods -- by necessity -- have to be subtle.
The Court Packing Scheme
As a limited-hangout inoculation, Wily Wallik did indeed put this question to Biden -- but when Biden rambled on and on without answering it -- prompting a necessary interruption and demand from Trump that he answer the question -- Wily Wallik not only let Biden off the hook, but then redirected the original subject (which he himself had raised!) to another issue. Wily Wallik surely knows the history of how FDR's failed court-packing scheme of 1937 led to a historic anti-Demonrat backlash which was a big factor in the Republican landslide of the 1938 mid-term election. (((They))) know the "mushy middle" won't accept court-packing -- and don't want 1938 to happen again. By hooking Biden on this issue, and then -- in spite of Trump's insistence -- letting Biden off of that same hook, Wily Wallick created the illusion that the issue has been objectively addressed and that there is no longer anything to see here.
Crooked Hunter Biden
Boy Biden, as we all know, raked-in millions of dollars from shady international deals which Papa Joe enabled. Russian, Chinese and Ukrainian gangsters thought so highly of this drug addicted playboy -- who was expelled from the U.S. Navy -- a dead-beat dad who was bedding his dead brother's widow -- that they paid him enormous sums of money while his devious daddy was Obama's Vice President in charge of Ukrainian affairs. Hunter's shocking criminality -- to the extent which it is surely linked to his father's protection and partnership -- would also be a deal-breaker for the "mushy middle." So, what happened when Trump brought up the issue? Biden repeatedly called it a lie before Wallik (pretending to be pressed for time) skillfully moved on to another topic.
And that is how Wily Wallik of "conservative" FAUX News stole the show --- with scarcely one normie or "Karen" out of one hundred even realizing that he was actually running protective interference for the Demonrats.
1. 1937 Cartoon depicts FDR appointing 6 FDR clones to the 9 member U.S. Supreme Court. // 2. Mass opposition to FDR's court-packing attempt, combined with the protracted Depression, led to massive Republican gains in the 1938 mid-term elections. That is why Wallik and the Demonrats are diverting attention away from what some slip-of-the-tongue Demonrats have proposed (here) about a similar attempt in 2021, should they win. // 3. As thick-as-thieves -- Pedo Joe, Homo Obongo and Crooked Hunter. The truth of their shady dealings must be concealed -- and Wiley Wallik did just that.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Trump kept interrupting and bullying Biden at the debate last night.
Boobus Americanus 2: That was bad. But I thought Chris Wallace did a fair and objective job last night of putting tough questions to both candidates.
St. Sugar: Wallik played this one like a masster manipulator, Boobuss!
Editor: I really hope Trump floods the airwaves with court-packing ads and attacks on Crooked Hunter's business dealings. These are winning issues that the "mushy middle" can understand.
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