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Oh isn't that special!
After 18 years and two adopted children together, Jared Polis -- the sodomite Governor of Californiacated Colorado who "recovered from Covid" -- just "married" Marlon Reis, his butt buddy -- who also recovered from "Covid" -- in a "traditional" Jewish ceremony -- officiated by a female Rabbinette -- in which Reis was walked down the aisle and "given away" by his father -- and in which all guests were required to test negative for "Covid" -- as both the groom & groom wore "vegan" suits -- and with the marriage certificate "signed" by their little dog's paw print. Cheese and crackers! How many things can one spot wrong in this well-publicized Marxist "mishigas" (Yiddish for craziness).
But of course, the libtarded abomination is presented as all so "normal" by the culture-wrecking greaseballs of the "paper of record." From the article:
"Mr. Polis and Mr. Reis ended up meeting at Boulder Book Store in September 2003. First came a browse through the sci-fi section, then came dinner.
Mr. Reis, a writer whose focus is animal welfare and L.G.B.T.Q. rights, was in his last year of college at the University of Colorado. Mr. Polis was an entrepreneur with political aspirations. At the bookstore, “we just really hit it off,” Mr. Polis said.
On Sept. 15, the anniversary of their first date at the Boulder Book Store, Mr. Polis and Mr. Reis were married at the Mary Rippon Outdoor Theater at the University of Colorado in Boulder by Rabbi Tirzah Firestone."
Oy frickin' vey!
After 18 years and two adopted children together, Jared Polis -- the sodomite Governor of Californiacated Colorado who "recovered from Covid" -- just "married" Marlon Reis, his butt buddy -- who also recovered from "Covid" -- in a "traditional" Jewish ceremony -- officiated by a female Rabbinette -- in which Reis was walked down the aisle and "given away" by his father -- and in which all guests were required to test negative for "Covid" -- as both the groom & groom wore "vegan" suits -- and with the marriage certificate "signed" by their little dog's paw print. Cheese and crackers! How many things can one spot wrong in this well-publicized Marxist "mishigas" (Yiddish for craziness).
But of course, the libtarded abomination is presented as all so "normal" by the culture-wrecking greaseballs of the "paper of record." From the article:
"Mr. Polis and Mr. Reis ended up meeting at Boulder Book Store in September 2003. First came a browse through the sci-fi section, then came dinner.
Mr. Reis, a writer whose focus is animal welfare and L.G.B.T.Q. rights, was in his last year of college at the University of Colorado. Mr. Polis was an entrepreneur with political aspirations. At the bookstore, “we just really hit it off,” Mr. Polis said.
On Sept. 15, the anniversary of their first date at the Boulder Book Store, Mr. Polis and Mr. Reis were married at the Mary Rippon Outdoor Theater at the University of Colorado in Boulder by Rabbi Tirzah Firestone."
Oy frickin' vey!
How did we arrive at such depths of manifest insanity being passed off as "the new normal?" We have the cultural Marxists of the "Frankfurt School" and what they themselves referred to as "the long march through the institutions" to thank for the "change" ™ in attitudes.
Founded by Marxists during Germany's tragic post-WW1 era, the "intellectuals" (cough cough) of the Institute for Social Research (better known as "The Frankfurt School") developed what they called "Critical Theory" (forerunner to today's Critical Race Theory") -- the real purpose of which is to slowly "change" attitudes about culture, art, economy, family and morality until a "new normal" has fundamentally replaced objective standards of decency, beauty, reason and truth. In short, the Frankfurt School was all about destroying Western (Goyim) civilization through mental evolution, instead of violent revolution. When you hear quackademics piss and moan about Christianity, Columbus, white people, traditional families, slavery, segregation, the "Trail of Tears," oppression, exploitation, the Inquisition, the Crusades etc -- know that the ignoble intent is to undermine confidence in and respect for the historical pillars and heroes of our civilization. The main targets of (((their))) counter-cultural poison are always "the students." Think "hippies" or "color revolutions."
After The Great One (that's Hitler for you newbies & normies) came to power in 1933, the Frankfurt Schoolers had to close up shop -- first relocating to Switzerland, and then infesting Columbia University in New York. Though few people, then and now, even know the names of Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Eric Fromm, the influence of these sinister sons-of-bitchs was immense. It was not by accident that they set up shop at Columbia. You see, Columbia University's "Teacher's College" is the largest and most influential graduate school of "education" in the United States. Corrupt Columbia Teachers College and you will, in due time, corrupt the youth of America. Indeed, only Jewish Hollywood has poisoned more minds than the Frankfurt-Columbia Jewish Mafia.
1. The Frankfurt School -- established in 1929. // 2. The noble purpose of the "Nazi book burning" was to protect the people from the poison pushed by the Frankfurt commies and other associated perverts and degenerates. // 3. Horkheimer & Adorno in 1964. Before during and after World War II, Columbia University had welcomed the greasy bastards with open arms.
At its core, the Frankfurt-Columbia School "philosophy" opposes nature and God because it holds that social truths are relative and shifting. Horkheimer wrote:
"The facts, which our senses present to us, are socially performed in two ways: through the historical character of the object perceived, and through the historical character of the perceiving organ. Both are not simply natural; they are shaped by human activity, and yet the individual perceives himself as receptive and passive in the act of perception."
Make no mistake here. Horky wasn't talking about the healthy practice of examining our beliefs for traces of cognitive bias here. No sir. His intent was for us to "critique" (meaning, to throw out) the entire traditional belief system of a once normal people, and replacing it with an ever-evolving controlled "dialectic." Loosed from the Creator's natural moorings of fixed absolutes and eternal self-evident laws and codes of conduct, the ship of society has since drifted and drifted and drifted across the worldwide flood waters until -- having been guided by slow-blowing and clever winds the whole time -- it has finally grounded in Boulder, Colorado, at the "traditional Jewish wedding" of the state's Governor and his new "husband" -- "witnessed" and affirmed by a dog.
Well played, Horky. Well played.
1. Nicholas Murray Butler (dubbed "Nicholas Miraculous" by Teddy Roosevelt) was president of Columbia U. for 43 years. An ardent internationalist and winner of the "Nobel Peace Prize," useful Goy Butler invited the Frankfurt scum to set up their social poison factory there. // 2. There is a Marxist method to the confusing insanity of "relative truth." // 3. Homo-Clown Governor Polis -- the ultimate rotten fruit of the Frankfurt School's slow-motion revolution.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Colorado's gay governor just got married.
Boobus Americanus 2: Society's attitudes have changed greatly regarding gay marriage.
St. Sugar: You frickin' humanss are crazy!
Editor: Like I always say, animals are closer to God than humans are.
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Rare Hitler & Little Girl Birthday Postage Stamp 3 (with postmarks) just arrived FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! HERE |
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