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September 4, 1921 -- FULL PAGE Feature of the NY Times "debunks" the Protocols of Zion |
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"How to Respond to an Anti-Conspiracy Theorist"
Some months ago, the "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times sustained quite a cannonade of incoming shrapnel coming not from "the usual suspects" -- but rather, from many of "youse guys." ANYT's departure from orthodoxy on vax doomism certainly struck some nerves. And yet, we maintain -- for sound logical and scientific reasons that we're not going to revisit now -- that the claims about the "death jab" / "clot shot" causing a quiet genocide are -- in spite of acknowledged side-effects in a micro-fraction of the jabbed population -- grossly exaggerated.
Moreover, to the extent which vax doom has now cost Donald Trump the support of millions of former fans -- we are of the opinion that some of the bigger voices exaggerating this as a "Georgia Guidestones" type "culling" are in fact attention-seeking / profit-seeking hucksters (at best) -- but in the worst cases, -- some of these curious characters have set themselves up as ridiculous "Straw Men" for the Fake News to knockdown -- as they lead their audiences (not by direct statement, but by subtle inference) away from Trump.
Without besmirching the characters of the listed vax doomers; let us say that we have detected fallacies and exaggeration spread by, among others: Mike Adams, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and radio shock-jock Stew Peters. Space, time and even motivation prevents us from going into greater detail about the errors put forth --- be it deliberately or inadvertently -- from these individuals. Furthermore, it is not the main subject of this piece, as you shall see. So let's not get off track here.
But for purposes of impeaching their general credibility, it suffices to point out that they ALL, without needing to, are still repeating the biggest, most dangerous, and most debunkable lie of them all -- namely, that a "pandemic" from a disease called Covid-19 actually ever existed! Sorry, my distinguished "experts" -- but that alone precludes all of you from being taken seriously on the subject altogether.
Though frankly, we can't quite trust any of them -- there is a certain gentleman on the aforementioned list of vax doom All-Stars who really concerns us. Let's have a closer look at a rising all-of-a-sudden star of Conspiracy World -- Stew Peters.
* Editor's Note: Before attacking us, please consider our personal observations here. The ANYT is based in the heavily normified / vaccinated NY / NJ metro area (aka, the "epicenter of Covid-19"). Every fearful normie and their mother here has been jabbed (including many relatives). The only deaths which we have even heard about through degrees of separation over the past 15 months are from a drug overdose and a distant 98 year old aunt with dementia. The malls are still packed, the beaches are still crowded, the highways are still jammed at rush hour, and the local funeral parlor manager informs us that business did not substantially fluctuate throughout neither Covidmania of 2020-21 - nor the already bygone period of Jabmania (2021). So where is this vax genocide we keep hearing about? Not in NY / NJ Metro.
The age of Covid has increased the obesity rate by 12%; and made hospital murders for cash "the new normal." Even young people are being isolated from family and "ventilated" to death! If indeed we are experiencing a higher death rate, the PROVEN spike in obesity along with the PROVEN killing-for-cash craze alone would account for it.
Who is Stew Peters?
*The Ambush of Mark Meadows
When former Trump Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows appeared as a guest on the Stew Peters Internet Radio show in December of 2021, he surely must have thought he was in friendly waters. But instead, Meadows was ambushed and grilled by a raving lunatic who insinuated that Meadows was an agent controlled by Chinese communists.
“Back on November 19th, this show discovered a really concerning report. You have very close connections with Chinese communists through the ridiculously named Humpty Dumpty Institute as well as the CCP-tied Taihe Institute. What were you doing with these Chinese communists, exactly?”
Meadows defended himself against the slander with poise and facts. But the bellowing bastard continued the dishonorable onslaught -- and affirmed the Covid hoax in the process:
“Well, it’s obvious that China is attacking us. I mean, given the China virus, Americans are rightly concerned, if it seems that the infiltration had risen, all the way to your level, the chief-of-staff of the president of the United States.”
* The Attack on Truth Social
In February of 2022, vax doomer Peters again stirred the pot of disunity by whining about how Truth Social had "censored" one of his latest ridiculous posts. The disruptive ass-clown had posted about executing public officials for promoting the vaccine -- so TS tagged it with a "sensitive content" label for viewers. He immediately posted:
"I'm already being censored on Truth Social. ... Free speech isn't free."
That was a lie. The inflammatory post was still visible by simply clicking “Show Content.” Once again, Fake News made hay with the latest "controversy."
* The Cobra Venom Hoax
In April of 2020, multiple E-mails started popping up in the ANYT inbox alerting us to a "documentary" titled "Watch the Water" put out by overnight / out-of-nowhere radio host Stew Peters. Covid, it was claimed, may have been the result of Cobra venom being added to the water supply. With dramatic music and oh-so-serious tone and facial expressions, Peters played the part of straight man to the comedy being delivered by his "expert" guest, Dr. Bryan Ardis (a frickin' chiropractor!) Countless were taken in by this garbage and moved to sharing with their E-mail lists. Fortunately, there were enough alert influencers in the Truth movement to counter and somewhat contain the lunacy. But boy-oh-boy did the Fake News have a good time poking fun at the latest "conspiracy theory" about Cobra venom.
Way to make us look like nutters, Peters. Good job.
We'll link back to Peters in a moment -- but first, a reminder of a story which pro-wrestler-turned-Governor Jesse Ventura told 20 years ago. After shocking the nation with his non-party-affiliated victory in Minnesota's gubernatorial election of 1998, the new governor was summoned to a bizarre meeting at the state capitol. A total of 23 CIA agents -- embedded with the state government -- were waiting for him in a basement conference room. The agents' questions focused on how he campaigned for office, or as Ventura writes, "how had the independent wrestler candidate pulled this off?"
Years after the meeting, when the then ex-governor Ventura published the details of this meeting in a book, a CIA spokesman confirmed that the event took place (here). The Deep State never saw Ventura's stunning victory coming. Clearly, they wanted to keep tabs on the charismatic celebrity, in case he decided to become a national figure.
Now that we have established that the CIA was watching Ventura, let's circle back to the subject of today's piece. In 2000, a man befriended Ventura's son, Tyrel, and then weaseled his way into living in the Governor's mansion as a guest. He had told Tyrel that he was the brother of a Hollywood actor. The con man lived in the governor's mansion in the summer of 2000 before state police concluded he was an imposter and kicked him out. Who was this shady operator?
From an June, 2002 article titled, "Imposter Lived at Governor's Mansion," originally appearing in Minnesota's Star Tribune:
"State police acknowledged the incident on Tuesday, and although they did not identify the man, Stewart Peters, 22, a Twin Cities man, admitted the ruse in an interview with the Star Tribune.
"It was a wonderful experience," said Peters, who describes himself as a rap artist. "If you sneak your way in there, I would recommend it. They had great food. It happened. I would do it again."
"He stayed in the guest room. The chefs prepared food for him. The housekeepers did his laundry. If he needed a ride someplace, one of the state troopers did that for him," Creed said.
Peters said he was arrested at 17 for stealing electronics equipment from a store and was arrested at 19 for driving under the influence of alcohol. Peters has several active warrants for his arrest in connection with small offenses."
Without hard evidence, we will not make definitive accusations of CIA treachery. But this Peters character sure does have the stink of an operative, doesn't he? Bombastic clown or clever operative, the lesson is still the same: Be careful who you follow -- and be careful of exaggerated vax doomology -- coming "from the far right" -- being engineered to separate Trump from his base.
1. Trump with then-governor Ventura. Both independent political leaders were targeted by CIA operatives. // 2. Snake-eyed Vax Doomer extraordinaire Stew Peters is bad news within our ranks -- an overly dramatic snake oil salesman with a checkered past that includes very strange infiltration of Governor Ventura's mansion.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today about how misinformation about Covid and the vaccines continues to spread online.
Boobus Americanus 2: It's crazy. I read about one radio host who claims that Covid was caused by Cobra venom put in the water supply. Ha ha ha.
St. Sugar: That's almost as crazy as the story about bats from a Chinese "wet market" causing fake Covid.
Editor: It's interesting that the Peters' crockumentary, "Watch the Water" takes its name from a well known Q post -- as if he wants to make Q look bad as well.
Boobus Americanus 2: It's crazy. I read about one radio host who claims that Covid was caused by Cobra venom put in the water supply. Ha ha ha.
St. Sugar: That's almost as crazy as the story about bats from a Chinese "wet market" causing fake Covid.
Editor: It's interesting that the Peters' crockumentary, "Watch the Water" takes its name from a well known Q post -- as if he wants to make Q look bad as well.
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September 4, 1921 -- FULL PAGE Feature of the NY Times "debunks" the Protocols of Zion |
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