Of the seven deadly sins (anger, sloth, gluttony, rage, lust, envy and pride) -- popes, theologians and philosophers have always rated that of pride as the deadliest of all because it prevents one from ever admitting to and then rectifying any of the others. The admonition against pride is common to all religions and moral codes. For this reason, I am convinced that the selection of the term "Pride" to glorify sodomite / lesbo / tranny / child rape "lifestyles" has a deliberate anti-God / anti-religion motive behind it. Same goes for the hijacking of the rainbow -- itself a well-known biblical symbol. This manner of moral inversion is the very essence of Satanism.
Satanism -- which many of the "elites" are absolutely involved with -- is, at its core -- whether some of the practitioners believe in Satan or not -- about the inversion of all that is holy, logical, truthful, beautiful and natural. It's not enough for the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) to corrupt public virtue. For even a corrupted individual, aware of his moral flaws, can always, through faith, prayer, discipline, support networks etc., turn away, or at least contain, his wicked passions and become a better person. But when a fallen man or woman (aren't we all to some extent?) is led to believe that his "lifestyle" is "OK" --- and even persuaded to be "proud" of his vices -- well, then the devil has got him and there usually ain't no turning back at that point. That's what "Pride Month" is really all about -- the societal normalization and reinforcement of profoundly perverted anti-God / anti-family vice.
Satanism -- which many of the "elites" are absolutely involved with -- is, at its core -- whether some of the practitioners believe in Satan or not -- about the inversion of all that is holy, logical, truthful, beautiful and natural. It's not enough for the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) to corrupt public virtue. For even a corrupted individual, aware of his moral flaws, can always, through faith, prayer, discipline, support networks etc., turn away, or at least contain, his wicked passions and become a better person. But when a fallen man or woman (aren't we all to some extent?) is led to believe that his "lifestyle" is "OK" --- and even persuaded to be "proud" of his vices -- well, then the devil has got him and there usually ain't no turning back at that point. That's what "Pride Month" is really all about -- the societal normalization and reinforcement of profoundly perverted anti-God / anti-family vice.
Fellow boomers can better appreciate the media-led progression of this madness dating back a mere 30 years or so. It began with the queers pleading to be left alone to do as they secretly pleased in their private "bath houses." That was the hooked-nose under the camels tent. The next steps were as follows:
* We just respectfully ask for a wee bit of "tolerance ™."
* We just want to serve in the military under a "Don't ask. Don't tell" policy.
* We just want to be able to "come out" while in the military.
* We want homosexuality removed from the list of psychiatric disorders.
* We want civil unions.
* We want to get married.
* You WILL make us a gay wedding cake or we'll shut down your bakery!
* Your company WILL celebrate Pride Month.
* You WILL accept trannies as normal
* You (health insurers) WILL cover gender reassignment drugs & surgeries
* You WILL allow us to teach (groom) your children
* You WILL allow your child to become queer or choose gender
* We shall molest your children, if the child "consents," of course
Satan is a clever gradualist. Because the ultimate agenda was not recognized (or believed) while in its earliest and still harmless stage, the little cancer -- fed by Hollyweird, Quackademia & Fake News -- grew and grew and grew until it became unstoppable. Russia and China seem to have contained this cancer in its early stages and it appears to be in remission there. As for "the free world," not even "The Storm" and "Great Awakening" can send this demonic spirit back into the pit of Hell. For that, we're going to need a divine intervention along the lines of a well-known bible verse:
"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land."
1. Famous painting by Norman Rockwell. Thanksgiving in America // 2. Contemporary artists (hyped up by the NY Times) are now hijacking Rockwell's images and "modernizing" them. // 3. Well played, Satan. Well played.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Pride Month will be back in full swing this year.
Boobus Americanus 2: It's nice to see the city coming back to normal after two years of Covid.
St Sugar: Normal? You call this sh** normal? You don't see uss animalss acting like thiss!
Editor: It's the "new normal." Haven't you heard?
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Boobus Americanus 2: It's nice to see the city coming back to normal after two years of Covid.
St Sugar: Normal? You call this sh** normal? You don't see uss animalss acting like thiss!
Editor: It's the "new normal." Haven't you heard?
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