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*** Biden and Germany Abandon Ukraine ***
Parishioners lit candles for peace in Ukraine at a church in Berlin,
JANUARY 23, 2023
NY Times: Germany’s Reluctance on Tanks Stems From Its History and Its Politics
A post-Nazi aversion to war and a commitment to promoting peace through engagement combines with an old fixation on Russia and a deep aversion to leading militarily.
NY Times: Germany’s Reluctance on Tanks Stems From Its History and Its Politics
A post-Nazi aversion to war and a commitment to promoting peace through engagement combines with an old fixation on Russia and a deep aversion to leading militarily.
There is so much historical "fail" in this article about how the lingering -- and wholly unwarranted -- German guilt over World War II is now complicating efforts to send its excellent Leopard 2 battle tanks to the thugs of the Ukraine. The article explains (sarcastic eye rolls added):
"While Germans overwhelmingly support Ukraine in its fight, the hesitation on sending tanks reflects the deep ambivalence in a nation with a catastrophic history of aggression (rolling eyes) during World War II and that remains profoundly divided about being a military leader and risking a direct confrontation with Russia. Opinion polls show that half of Germans do not want to send tanks."
"Claudia Major of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. “We did so much harm to the Soviet Union (rolling eyes) we can’t do this again (rolling eyes) , we say."
Though the barf-worthy historical narrative of Germany-the-Aggressor is 100% certifiable bullsh*t; the pathetic German war guilt -- instilled by decades of occupation and brainwashing -- and its contribution to the reluctance to arm the Ukraine is, of course, a very real phenomenon. In a sense, the Globalists have been hoisted on their own petard (blown up by one's own bomb) here. The usual suspects have beaten down the German psyche so much over the ALL LIED war upon The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies and normies) that now, they can't even get the de-balled denizens of Deutschland to give tanks to the Fukrainian aggressors -- let alone join the fight against Russia. Sweet irony!
* Editor's Note: Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter states that the different weaponry systems that are being shipped to the Ukraine are way to few in number and do not operate together anyway -- and also require staff and money that the Ukraine lacks.
"While Germans overwhelmingly support Ukraine in its fight, the hesitation on sending tanks reflects the deep ambivalence in a nation with a catastrophic history of aggression (rolling eyes) during World War II and that remains profoundly divided about being a military leader and risking a direct confrontation with Russia. Opinion polls show that half of Germans do not want to send tanks."
"Claudia Major of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. “We did so much harm to the Soviet Union (rolling eyes) we can’t do this again (rolling eyes) , we say."
Though the barf-worthy historical narrative of Germany-the-Aggressor is 100% certifiable bullsh*t; the pathetic German war guilt -- instilled by decades of occupation and brainwashing -- and its contribution to the reluctance to arm the Ukraine is, of course, a very real phenomenon. In a sense, the Globalists have been hoisted on their own petard (blown up by one's own bomb) here. The usual suspects have beaten down the German psyche so much over the ALL LIED war upon The Great One (that's Hitler for all you newbies and normies) that now, they can't even get the de-balled denizens of Deutschland to give tanks to the Fukrainian aggressors -- let alone join the fight against Russia. Sweet irony!
* Editor's Note: Former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter states that the different weaponry systems that are being shipped to the Ukraine are way to few in number and do not operate together anyway -- and also require staff and money that the Ukraine lacks.
Mike's Trifecta of World War II books demolishes the myth of German aggression.
Apart from abuse-induced neurotic factors, there is a more significant reason for Germany's reluctance to get involved. Ask yourself: Why didn't "Joe Biden" and the supposedly Demonrat-controlled Congress of 2021 / 2022 escalate the situation in Ukraine to bring about the World War III scenario which Soros and friends wanted? Answer: It all goes back to Trump's neutering of NATO and his (and the White Hats) domination over US foreign policy. Patriots, not Globalists, are in control. Indeed, when reading between the lines, the Slimes article actually confirms this new reality.
"This is a prime explanation for Mr. Scholz’s desire to provide tanks only if the United States also provides tanks, so Russia cannot blame Berlin."
An intriguing point! Why isn't "Biden" sending America's best tanks and equipment? Why is he not pressuring Germany to send the Leopard 2s? The Washington Post demands that "Biden" pressure Germany --- while the Washington Examiner picked up on the hypocrisy of criticizing German inaction, but not "Biden's." See headlines below:
In addition to allowing Putin to liberate eastern Ukraine, there are more questions about things that "Biden" hasn't done that you would expect a committed Globalist to do -- especially when the Demonrats supposedly controlled both Houses of Congress for two years:
* Why didn't "Biden" & the Ds push for the US to comply with the Paris Climate Decrees?
* Why hasn't "Biden" tried to get us back in the Middle East?
* Why hasn't "Biden" tried to stir up animosity between the two Koreas again?
* Why didn't "Biden" & the Ds repeal the Trump tax cuts?
* Why didn't "Biden" & the Ds even attempt to advance their long-cherished goal of socialized health care?
* Why didn't "Biden" & the Ds even attempt to advance further "gun control?"
* Why didn't "Biden" fire special prosecutor John Durham (who is still lurking like a submarine).
* Why hasn't "Biden" rescinded the Trump Executive Orders dealing with emergency power and continuity of government (the very orders which would have enabled a secret military government to have now assumed power)?
Answer: The stumbling and bumbling man-in-the-mask works for Trump. The economic damage that he is presiding over was inevitable and absolutely necessary for normies to witness. Yet the situation could have been far worse, yet it isn't.
Sit back and watch "Biden" implode -- and trust me on this (as I've been saying for nearly one full year now): There will be no World War III -- although, the scriptwriters may at some point decide to create the illusion of "pushing us to the brink."
* Editor's Note: We do not believe that the southern border is actually being over-run anymore than we believed that "13 Americans" were killed during the "botched" pullout from Afghanistan. These stunts are staged in order to awaken the normies.
Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that Germany is reluctant to supply Ukraine with its tanks.
Boobus Americanus 2: Today's Germans are very aware of and remorseful for their horrible history, and averse to war.
St. Sugar: Today's Germanss are as sstupid and pusssified as you are, Boobuss!
Editor: World War II remains the foundational mythology defining the modern world..
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